Sunday, June 28, 2009

Michael Jackson’s adrenalin shot

Michael Jackson’s personal doctor tried to save his life with a shot of adrenaline.

Dr Conrad Murray plunged a syringe into the pop star’s chest in a bid to revive him following ingesting a lethal cocktail of prescription drugs on Thursday (25.06.09).

The doctor - Jackson’s recently hired personal cardiologist - had hoped the shot would re-start his heart, but the star reportedly went into cardiac arrest before slipping into a coma, ad was later pronounced dead at a Los Angeles hospital.

Although an autopsy has ruled out foul play in Jackson’s death, Dr Murray was last night (27.06.09) being questioned by police over his actions following the star’s passing, and the pop king’s family has turned against him.

Although Dr Murray is not a suspect in the singer’s death - and police have made clear their investigation is not a criminal matter - Jackson’s family are demanding answers as to why the doctor “left” shortly after Jackson’s death.



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